Preguntas frecuentes


What is a SSL certificate?

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a security protocol that allows you to provide privacy and data integrity between two communicating computer applications. This is something especially important when sensitive information is being transmitted.

An SSL certificate is an electronic signature that implements the SSL protocol and certifies the ownership of a public key by the named subject of the certificates.

How do I know if a site has an SSL certificate?

First, the prefix of the address of the web page will change from http to https. Moreover, the vast majority of browsers will display next to the address an icon with a padlock, and where we can click to view the certificate data.

Who issues the SSL certificates?

Las autoridades de certificación (CA) que son proveedores autorizados para ello. Los más reconocidos a nivel mundial son: Symantec, Geotrust, Thawte, RapidSSL y Comodo.

Existen distribuidores registrados y autorizados para emitir certificados emitidos por las CA, como es el caso de Redalia.

Why some pages display a green bar on my browser?

Because they have installed an Extended Validation certificate. This kind of certificates provide privacy and data integrity but they also validate information about the organization behind that website. The green bar brings a stronger sense of security to the end user.

What certificate best meets my needs?

There is widespread list of certificates both with price and with performance range, and each one of them is tailored to the needs of a website. In Redalia you have at your disposal two tools that can help you to choose which certificate is the one that best suits your needs. Use ourcomparator to compare the features of the different certificates or our Wizard to help you to choose the one that suits you. You can also contact our team of specialists by phone at this phone number: (34) 91 290 88 97 which will advise you personally to choose the product that best suits your needs.

How do I renew my SSL certificate?

If you purchased your certificate in Redalia and it is in renewal period (1 month before and 1 month after the expiration date), you can renew it from your dashboard, by simply login. Just click on the option that you can find on the right of the listed certificates, and follow the steps.

Types of certificate

How many types of certificates are there?

There is a wide range of certificates both in price and performance.

First, they can be classified by the number of domains that can validate:

Second, certificates can be classified according to the type of validation that have:
  • Validación por dominio: solamente se valida el dominio de la web en la que se instalará el dominio (normalmente a través del envío de un correo electrónico a una dirección relacionada con el dominio.
  • Validación de Organización: Se valida además del dominio, toda la organización que hay detrás.
  • Validación Extendida: Se realiza una validación más extensa de la organización y hace que los navegadores muestren una barra verde junto a la dirección de la web.

También se pueden clasificar por marcas. Las más importantes son Symantec, Geotrust, Thawte, RapidSSL y Comodo.

Can I use one single certificate for different domains?

Sí, existen certificados que admiten ser usados para distintos dominios aunque no compartan dominio base, por ejemplo y podrían ser securizados con un mismo certificado multi-dominio (SAN).

What is a SAN certificate?

Un certificado con soporte SAN (Subject Alternative Name) te permite usar un mismo certificado para diferentes dominios, por lo que la gestión es simplificada y además sale por un precio mejor que comprando varios certificados.

Can I securize multiple subdomains with one single certificate?

Un certificado SSL es asignado a un único nombre de dominio (FQDN), por ejemplo "". Esto significa que el certificado no securiza los subdominios "" o "". Para solventar este problema están disponibles los certificados Wildcard, que aseguran ilimitados subdominios que compartan el mismo dominio base, siguiendo con el ejemplo, en este caso el certificado se tramita para el nombre "*" y securizaría todos los subdominios existentes en ese dominio base.

What is an Extended Validation (EV) certificate??

Un certificado con Validación Extendida no sólo certifica que las transacciones en esa web son seguras, sino que va un paso más allá y valida de una forma más manual y humana que la organización que hay detrás de la web es segura y que los datos de la organización coinciden con lo encontrado en esta certificación especial.

Muestran en la barra de direcciones una barra verde que da mayor sensación de seguridad al usuario final. Son certificados esenciales para bancos y empresas con gran influencia en internet.

What is a certificate with Strong Encryption (SGC)?

A certificate SGC (Server Gated Cryptography) ensures maximum encryption even for old and obsolete browsers, so that it is recognized by any browser or operating system.

Previously it was a very good choice as there were many browsers that did not support a higher encryption. Currently it is highly not recommended.


Why is not my certificate working?

First, make sure you have correctly followed all our steps in our documentation when you install it. If you’ve done it, and you still have an error in your certificate, use our tool verification that can help you to find the problem more easily. If you still can not find the solution, we show you some problems and their possible solutions:

Issue Description and solution
Browser warnings See possible solution
Error in the period See possible solution
Entity error See possible solution
Domain error See possible solution

What are certificates chain (Chained root) and how they differ from the Single Root?

Most certificates are issued by companies that have their own authority Trusted Root, what is this? Trusted Root Certificate Authority is known for browsers and ensures that the website is safe. The browser trusts it because that authority has a reputation for years and has guaranteed secure sites without errors.

Some certificates issuers do not have a Trusted Root authority itself, so they use chain certificates (Chained Root) or so-called intermediaries to be recognized. This is nothing to worry at all, because in the end the browser trusts a Trusted Root Authority with credibility gained over time, which ensures that the final certificate is using the propper Trusted Root.

I changed hosting provider or changed server, how do I install my old certificate?

Depende del tipo de servidor, en la gran mayoría con exportar los archivos del certificado al nuevo es suficiente, usando para ello una copia de seguridad o backup, sin necesidad de otros pasos. Si esto fallara siempre se puede pedir una reedición de certificado desde tu panel de control de Redalia, generando otro CSR distinto, verás la opción disponible si tu certificado está aún vigente y no ha caducado.

I lost my private key certificate, what I can do?

First you should contact your administrator system or hosting service, maybe you can get it from any backup made previously. If this is not possible, you can reissue your certificate from your dashboard and another key with a new CSR will be generated.

What a CSR is and how can I create it?

The CSR (Certificate Signing Request) is a fully encrypted text block that includes information about the person or company requesting the certificate, such as domain name, city, country ... This CSR will be used by the issuing certificate authority to create your SSL certificate so that only may be used for the data provided in the CSR.

If you do not know how to create your CSR do not worry, in Redalia you can generate it when you are buying your certificate, so you will not have to make any extra step, in addition you have a tool to generate CSR.

How long will take the issue of my certificate?

The processing period is variable depending on the product. Some licenses could be processed in a few minutes if no error occurs in the data given by the customer, since the entire process is automatic. And there are others like EV certificates which by their nature, require a more thorough validation, including a possible phone call from the issuer to verify that the organization requesting the certificate is who he claims to be.


What is Watchdog?

This is an automated tool that monitors your website or any port. You will receive alerts if something goes wrong in your service, and watch the status of your SSL connections.

How many domains/services can be monitored with Watchdog?

Puedes añadir todos tus dominios, diariamente se comprobarán más de 40 parámetros, desde errores de visualización en tus clientes a posibles vulnerabilidades y recibirás una alerta si hay algún problema.

Where will I receive my incident alerts?

Recibirás las alertas por email y a través de notificaciones en la aplicación móvil, una vez que esté disponible.

Do alerts cost me money?

No, son totalmente gratuitas.

I will carry out maintenance and I do not want this tool to be continually warning me, how do I do it?

Watchdog dispone de una opción Mantenimiento para que deje de monitorizar tu dominio mientras estás con tareas de mantenimiento. Tan sólo deberás seleccionar el dominio o servicio que quieres desactivar y pulsar en el botón Mantenimiento que encontrarás en tu panel de usuario.

How much does Watchdog cost?

Este servicio es completamente gratuito.

Are there any restrictions when adding domains to my Watchdog?

Yes, you must be the owner of the domain (or service) or have permission to use it. To check this, you have several methods of validating property: emailing, meta tags or uploading files to the server

How can I confirm that I am the domain owner?

You have 3 methods at your disposal:

  1. We will send an email to the address available in the whois record of the domain (or other alternatives). You must click on the link we will send you in that email to validate the domain.
  2. We will give you an HTML code to insert on your site as meta tag
  3. We will provide you a file that you will have to upload to your server


Why Redalia offers better prices than buying directly from the website of the product? Where’s the trick?

There is no trick, in Redalia you get the same product than in the official websites. In Redalia we can offer discounts on our products because we buy and sell many certificates and antivirus, so we are in a great position to negotiate large discounts that our customers can enjoy themselves.

How can I contact Redalia?

You can call our support line (+34) 91 290 88 97 or send us an email to [email protected]. In Redalia our experts are happy to help and guide you in everything you need.

Tu cuenta

I can not access my Redalia account

Si no recuerdas tu contraseña pero sí sabes qué dirección de email usaste para crear tu cuenta de Redalia, tan sólo deberás acceder a este enlace, introducir la dirección de email en cuadro que aparece y seguir los pasos que te llegarán por email.

If you do not not remember what email address you used, you send us an email to [email protected] with information you can give us about the account that you created (ID, name, city, the name of a domain for which you asked Certificate in Redalia ...) and we will study the case in detail to ensure that you are the person who created the account and will provide you email address in order to perform the above step.

How can I change the notifications I receive?

Login Dashboard, Click on the Settings tab, and in the bottom you can specify the type of notifications you want to receive from Redalia.

How to change my password?
  1. Si conoces tu contraseña actual: Accede a tu panel de usuario, haz clic en la pestaña Configuración, y en la parte de abajo podrás introducir una nueva contraseña (introduciendo también la antigua por seguridad).
  2. Si no conoces tu contraseña actual, pero si el email de acceso: deberás acceder a este enlace, introducir la dirección de email en cuadro que aparece y seguir los pasos que te llegarán por email.
  3. If you do not know your email access: You must send us an email to [email protected] with information you can give us about the account you created (ID, name, city, name of any domain that you have requested certificate in Redalia …) and we will study the case in detail to ensure that you are the person who created the account and we will provide the email address in order to perform the above step.

Can I change my account email?
  • Accede a tu panel de usuario, haz clic en la pestaña Configuración, y en la parte de abajo podrás introducir un nuevo correo con el que acceder en el futuro a tu cuenta.

“Premium” accounts

What a Premium account is?

Premium users have great advantages Redalia:

 Extended Redalia Support

Solve all your doubts about your certificates through our team telephone assistance.

  Help on installation

Do you have any problem installing your certificates? Our team will help you in this process.

  Discount on renewals

You’ll get a 5% discount on all renewals of your certificates.

How do I know if I’m Premium user or not?

En tu panel de usuario podrás ver si eres usuario Premium o no arriba a la derecha. En caso de no serlo, tendrás un enlace para convertirte de manera sencilla en unos pocos segundos.

How can I upgrade Premium member?

You can upgrade Premium in a very easy way.

  • Every time you make a purchase, if you’re not premium, you can add this feature easily to your shopping cart.
  • In your dashboard, on the top right, you have a shortcut to purchase your premium account, which will take you to your shopping cart.

Which are the differences between Free Account and Premium account?
  • Free
  • Certified check
  • Installation Help
  • Phone Support
  • Discounts on renewals
  • Premium
  • Certified check
  • Installation Help
  • Phone Support
  • Discounts on renewals

Payments and billing

How can I pay?
  • Credit/Debit Card
  • PayPal
  • Wire transfer

Redalia does not apply any commission whatever the method you choose. The first and the second methods are immediate processes of purchase. The third one may take from 1 to 2 days.


In your dashboard, you can access to all your bills. If you have any question with your bill, you can contact our team in our support address [email protected]


How do I renew an antivirus that is about to expire?

If you purchased your antivirus license in Redalia and it is on a renewal period (1 month before and 1 month after the expiration date), you can renew the antivirus from your dashboard, simply login. Just click on renew, and follow the steps that appear on the screen.

Can I have two different antivirus installed simultaneously on the same computer?

That does not increase security but may be counterproductive, indeed, it is likely that other antivirus detected as a threat, generating false positives. The only way to have two antivirus installed at a time is if only one is activated as real-time protection and the other only run for specific analysis our only choice.

Having free antivirus, why should I buy a license?

While free antivirus can find threats on your computer and in some cases block them, the support provided by a company that distributes free antivirus support is not comparable to the support given by a company that charges a license. .

I already have an antivirus installed but expired, how do I install another antivirus updated?

If you purchased a new license of the expired product you do not need to uninstall the previous product previously. Simply enter the new license and your antivirus is updated.

If instead you have purchased a new license but your previous antivirus is from another manufacturer, you should cut internet, uninstall the antivirus expired, reboot and install the new one. Once you installed the new antivirus you can reconnect Internet.