Legal notice

1. Redalia reports and reiterates the following

Redalia (Redalia) and its services are managed by Bamio Network SL, a Spanish company with CIF B23643661. For more information about Bamio Network, SL visit our “About Us”.

These conditions govern the relationship between Web users and Bamio Network SL, from the moment they access and navigate or make use of the services offered by this site, also establishing the conditions in which the spawning occurs available information that is accessible to users, only in respect of those services that are offered and managed directly by Network SL Bamio

The user declares to accept the general conditions prevailing in each time they access the portal.

2. Medidas de seguridad

Redalia and the database where all the information of our users have stored measures and safety standards established by the Organic Law of Protection of Personal Data 15/1999 and Royal Decree 994/1999 of June 11, (Spain) and its implementing regulations.

The user may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition. The exercise of these rights may be the user in the system and can also use different communication channels provided by Redalia (Bamio Network, SL).

Redalia not sell, or lease, or transferred or share the data registered users facilitated with third persons, entities or organizations except with third parties and organizations specified in the Privacy Policy.

The user expressly authorizes Redalia to provide all the information required by the tax authorities, law enforcement agencies and other Spanish official bodies.

3. Acceso y Navegación

The access and navigation Redalia and / or use of services offered in this domain means that you accept the rules of use and each of its clauses and the specific rules of each service or product. The user must be aware of the importance of consulting the regulations contained in this page.

Redalia reserves the right to change, without notice, this legal notice, privacy policy, payment methods and products, services and / or prices.

Please review the rules contained in this website (legs notice, privacy policy and others) every time you access or navigate through the different sections to ensure that you are aware of any changes.

Redalia reserves the right to claim for any admissible right track in the remedies available by law for breach of these terms and conditions.

4. Exclusión de Responsabilidad

Bamio Network SL, is not liable for any damages you may suffer as a result of the use of the site.

Bamio Network SL, is not liable for damages that users derived from any setback in the rendering of services (omissions, interruptions, faults in the electronic system or appliances and computers of users may suffer delays provision of services due to overloading or blocking of Internet, damage caused by third parties outside the site, etc.), bring to cause any action not directly attributable to a fraudulent action Bamio Network SL

Bamio Network SL is not responsible for any extraneous willful use to occur in the information presented herein.

Bamio Network SL does not accept any liability for unauthorized use of services and content on this page or for any errors made by the user in providing their personal data use.

Bamio Network SL, does not assume responsibility for unauthorized use of the username and password use.

In liability cases Redalia by fraud, technical or human error or negligence it is limited to a maximum amount of the purchase made by the affected user.

The products offered by Bamio Network SL, are not distributed under stock but are on demand, and in case of unavailability of a product liability Bamio Network SL, it is limited to refund if the amount already paid by the user buyer.

Due to the nature of the services offered by Redalia, once the processing of an SSL certificate, you can only apply for refund thereof within 30 days of processing.

Similarly, and also because of the nature of the services offered by Redalia once an antivirus processing is complete, it can not be applied for or approved the return of the same at any time.

Yes, you can request a reissue SSL certificate if found defective.

The disclaimers and limitations of warranty in this document apply to the maximum extent permitted by law.

5. Copyright

Except as expressly authorized in writing Bamio Network SL, the information contained in Redalia is protected by Copyright. No part of Redalia may be distributed or reproduced by any means without the prior written consent of Bamio Network SL

6. La página y los productos o servicios ofrecidos

The website and the products or services offered on this website are the property of Bamio Network SL, or third parties (Bamio Network SL acting as unauthorized redistribution).

The management server and the whole process takes place in Spain. All services offered on this website are subject to Spanish law.

Redalia may contain technical inaccuracies or otherwise, is not obliged to update the contents of the information presented herein. In any case the characteristics of each product are as specified by the creator of the product.

Bamio Network SL, disclaims any responsibility for errors or omissions in the information or software, or content or referenced in Redalia documents. Bamio Network SL is not liable for any special, incidental whatsoever resulting from reliance on the materials presented, costs of replacement goods, loss of use, loss of data, loss of profits, delays or interruptions in business operations and any other liabilities arising in connection with the use or performance of information contained in this website.

7. Obligaciones de los usuarios

In general the user to comply with these conditions and to always act according to law forces, good manners, using the diligence appropriate to the nature of service enjoyed by refraining from using the same in any way that may impede, damage or impair the normal functioning, and property or rights of Bamio Network SL, the other users or, in general, third parties.

Users with access to the private area of ​​the site using ID and password provided by Bamio Network SL, liable for the actions taken from them, it is your responsibility to ensure the confidentiality of the keys and not allow them to third parties.

Use of the software is subject to the terms of the end user license agreement that accompanies the software. Failure to download the license along with the software, the license terms that accompanied the original product being updated apply. You can download, use or install software if you are not already subject to the terms of such license agreement end user.

8. Responsabilidad del Usuario

The user liable for damages and / or losses of any nature that this page may suffer as a result of a breach of the law, or any general or specific rules contained in this page.

9. Redistribuidor Autorizado

Bamio Network SL acts as authorized products offered here redistribution and is not liable under any circumstances of distributed software, being responsible for their quality, effects, amount, and more characteristics of the products, the companies creating them.

Bamio Network SL provides and distributes references to third-party services and products without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, since the guarantee is supported by the company that created the product.

In case of NOD32 Antivirus software is the creative company Eset. (Set, founded in 1992, is a private company engaged in the research and development of software, with offices in San Diego (California, USA), Prague (Czech Republic) and Bratislava (Slovakia).

If the certificate security software companies are creative Geotrust Geotrust GeoTrust, Inc. Suite 350 117 Kendrick Street Needham, MA 02494.

If the rapped-ssl software, makers of it is RapidSSL US 600 17th Street, Suite 2800 South Denver, Colorado, USA 80202.

The certificate of Comodo Security Software, makers of it is Comodo Group Inc., with offices at 1255 Broad Street, Set 100, Clifton, NJ07013 (United States).

The security certificate Trustwave Software, makers of it is Trustwave North America (Corporate Headquarters), 70 West Madison Street, Suite 1050 Chicago, IL 60602.

The security certificate Thawte Software, makers of it is: Thawte, Inc., 487 East Middlefield Road, Mountain View, California, 94043 (United States).

The security certificate Symantec Software, makers of the same is Symantec Corporation, 350 Ellis Street, Mountain View, CA 94043 (United States).

10. Pedidos

Details of the products available for purchase (including their price) are specified in Redalia.

Redalia take all necessary and reasonable measures to ensure that all measures details, descriptions and prices of products appearing on the Web are correct. However, Redalia may contain technical inaccuracies or otherwise, without prior update the content of the information presented herein.

Redalia may reject, in its sole discretion, order processing, or not being able to proceed with such processing, in the following cases, without limitation:

  1. When the product requested by you. Has been discontinued or is not available.
  2. When the distributor of your credit or debit card does not authorize payment of the purchase price.
  3. When not meet the criteria for ordering specified at the beginning of this section.

11. Cambios en las condiciones generales

This Legal Notice, Privacy Policy, and other rules can be modified at any time and unilaterally at the request of Bamio Network SL, these changes are reflected in this website, which the user can access at all times.

Bamio Network SL, as redistribution provides services and products contained in Redalia under these terms and conditions and reserves the right to change, at any time and without notice the services, products, prices and software offered.

Bamio Network SL, reserves the right to seek all remedies provided by law for breach of these terms and conditions.

Access to and use of the entire site is free, unless otherwise indicated.

12. Enlaces

You can create links or hyperlinks to this website provided that the following conditions are met:

  1. El establecimiento de un hiperenlace no implica en ningún caso la existencia de relaciones entre Bamio Network S.L., y el propietario del sitio Web en la que se establezca, ni la aceptación y aprobación por parte de Bamio Network S.L., de sus contenidos o servicios.
  2. Si opta por abandonar nuestro sitio web a través de enlaces a sitios Web no pertenecientes a nuestra entidad, Bamio Network S.L., no se hará responsable de las políticas de privacidad de dichos sitios web ni de las cookies que éstos puedan almacenar en el ordenador del usuario.
  3. Bamio Network S.L., no autoriza hacer copias del contenido de Redalia.
  4. No se puede presentar información falsa o que lleve a error sobre los productos o servicios redistribuidos por Bamio Network S.L.
  5. Bamio Network S.L., no apoya ni patrocina a las personas o entidades que creen un vínculo o hiperenlace con Redalia.
  6. No debe contener información que pueda ser considerada injuriosa, pornográfica, no decente, ilegal, racista o que no sea adecuada para cualquier edad. En todo caso, Bamio Network S.L., no se hace responsable de su contenido.
  7. No debe contener material que suponga el incumplimiento de cualquier normativa.
  8. No debe utilizar la marca, logotipos ni cualquier imagen comercial de Bamio Network S.L., ni Redalia sin la previa autorización por escrito de Bamio Network, S.L.

13. Actualización de la Información

The information specified in a given time may not always reflect the exact situation as you. Ordering, although we will try by all means at our disposal to keep Redalia as current as possible.

Bamio Network SL, is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages that may cause the accuracy, completeness or accuracy of the information, nor use of the content or materials from this portal.

Bamio Network SL, may make modifications in the content of this portal without notice, both with regard to information as in what affects the product offering or services.

La information contained in Redalia may not be accessible or available for all countries.

14. Propiedad intelectual e industrial

Bamio Network SL, as redistribution of products of other enterprises, has right to use images, texts, or other content facilitated by the creators of the products.

Any reproduction, distribution, making available or transformation of these contents, conducted of any form or by any means, require, as the case, the prior consent by part of Bamio Network SL, or of the legitimate owners of the products.

You are granted a limited, revocable license to access this site agree to these license terms. You may not use this website in any jurisdiction where its content or use is restricted or prohibited by law.

You may not use the Web site for any purpose other than learn about REDALIA, place orders of its products and services, or maintenance of your customer account.

Redalia contains property rights owned Redalia and its licensors. Unless you Redalia express written permission otherwise you may not copy or create derivative works of a Web site for any reason, including the use of technologies framed to include confidential information.

Any unauthorized use intellectual property Redalia on a Web site third parties or for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited.

Redalia respects the rights of intellectual property of others. Please, contact with [email protected] if you believe a Redalia Web site contains material that infringes the rights of a third party.

15. Legislación aplicable y fuero

This legal notice, privacy policy and other rules of use of this website are governed by Spanish law, which applies in matters not provided therein on the interpretation, validity and execution.

These terms contain the entire agreement between you and Redalia regarding the use of this Web site. Any term declared invalid by a competent court not affect the validity and applicability of the other stipulations in this document.

The parties expressly waive the privilege that by law may apply, submit themselves to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the city of Jaen (Spain) to resolve any dispute that may arise in the execution or interpretation of these Terms of Service.

Last Updated: 02/20/2013 17:00